For over two decades, CHIP has been at the forefront of advancing modern biosurveillance—continuously collecting and analyzing population health data for public health insights. We played a key role in shaping the field of syndromic surveillance, and developed AEGIS, one of the first web-based biosurveillance systems, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. AEGIS was deployed across numerous hospitals to enhance public health monitoring. CHIP also pioneered participatory surveillance and was among the first to leverage news and social media for health data, as well as leading innovations in postmarketing surveillance.

Our expertise in biosurveillance and public health fueled a comprehensive COVID-19 research agenda, starting with the landmark publication in January 2020 that first established the pandemic’s transmissibility. Since then, we have developed predictive machine learning algorithms to forecast future COVID-19 outbreaks, continuing our tradition of cutting-edge public health intelligence.

